Monday, May 18, 2020

Mindset and Meditation

Mindset and Meditation

If you want to be successful in today’s highly competitive world
of internet marketing you must have an extraordinary mindset.
In fact, in my view, only 20% of your energy should be focused
on choosing and implementing good internet marketing strategies
like; Affiliate Marketing, Blog and Newsletter creation, and
Digital Publishing. The 80% of your total energy that remains
should be directed to improving your mindset. The daily practice
of mind improvement is absolutely essential in your journey to
success on the internet.

In my life, meditation, and specifically the daily practice of
Mindfulness, is a necessary component. My practice includes
two forms of meditation. The first one I use at the beginning
of each day as I awake. By spending at least 20 minutes in
mindfulness meditation before I get up, I am setting the field
for a happy and productive day. So, what exactly is Mindfulness

Mindfulness Meditation, for me, is being aware of the first
thought that enters my mind. Once that thought is realized,
I then acknowledge that thought and “let it go”. At this point,
I direct my mind to focus on a specific Mantra. A Mantra is
simply a sacred word that I use to transport my thoughts to
a space of stillness. In my case, I use the word, “Stream”.
Being a true lover of the natural wonders of our world, this
word carries me to one of my favorite places on the planet.
This spot is a place on the banks of a tributary of the
South fork of the American River high up in the Sierra Nevada
Mountain Range.

My second form of Meditation, that I try to do each day, is
called, “Walking Meditation”. In this practice, I drive to an isolated
local spot near my home and go for a pleasant stroll. I also
try to spend at least 20 to 30 minutes with this exercise. As I
walk, I become intently aware of my surroundings. The
creatures, the sky, the plants and trees, all become my focus.
Simultaneously, I continue my Mindfulness exercise to help
calm and relax me.

I have read many sources of wisdom over the years, and an
underlying theme has been revealed to me. And that is to spend
as much time on self-improvement as you can if your goal
is to achieve happiness and well-being in your life. Creating
wealth and financial freedom is an important part of that process.

For me, my spiritual practice helps create a better and specifically
a more giving attitude toward my human companions here on
Planet Earth. The truly successful Entrepreneur is a person who
gives much more value to his potential customers than he ever
expects to receive.

Please visit my Facebook Page and let me know what you are thinking.

Ice Clear Connections

Thank you for your interest and please feel free to leave me any comments
or questions you may have.

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