Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Happy New Years everyone.

 In this first week of 2025, I thought I would share a little cosmic wisdom .
12 days ago, on December 21st, a celestial event called the
Winter Solstice occurred.  Every year on this day, just before Christmas, Astrologers around the world look to the stars and celebrate the beginning of Capricorn.

 Astronomically Capricorn is a constellation positioned in the southern sky at about 21 hours right ascension and 20° south declination.
 Its brightest star is Deneb Algedi which has an apparent magnitude( m ) 2.9. This is the area of our galaxy that gives rise to the 10th sign of the zodiac.

 In one of my favorite books on Astrology,
Making the Gods Work for You, Carolyn Casey states that Capricorn is closely related to the planet Saturn. In her opening chapter on Saturn she quotes William Blake, “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s.
I will not reason and compare. My business is to create“
 Blakes words advises that to have a joyful and fulfilling life we must not be enslaved by the authority of “another man“.

 In my life ,I have pursued what I call my ” Dream Lifestyle “
I have always felt that the happiest people on the planet are those that can
 get up each morning and be truly inspired to go to work,
or even better, stay at home and work.
Writers, artists, free-lance entrepreneurs, or any one of
 hundreds of occupations that can be done from home 
and lead to fulfilling and abundant lifestyles have always
 been very attractive to me.

Many people are afraid to pursue their own version of my  “Dream Lifestyle”.
  They believe that they could never make enough money with it to support   themselves. Well folks, I am here to tell you that with courage and determination, we can break free from our fears, and create a life that we have always dreamed of . A life filled with abundance and happiness.
What draws me to study ancient works of knowledge like Astrology is my fundamental belief in the power of human consciousness. I also believe that  within all of us is the divine knowledge to accomplish any goal that we can imagine.

 2025 will be a year of great challenges and opportunities for everyone on planet Earth. This will be a promising and joyful time for all of us who break free from our fears and embrace our lives with a feeling of power and determination .

Besides the study of astrology, I have read many works from authors, who I would highly recommend to anyone searching for more fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

Here is a link to one of my websites that will give you some of those  authors that I am attracted to and some of my favorite books by them.

Ice Clear Spirit

I hope that you all have a wonderful and joyful year ahead in 2025.

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