Sunday, January 19, 2025

Oneness is the Beginning


 The following is an article that I posted in 2022 on my 

Gold 2 Sun website;


In America today, kindness and caring for each other has been replaced in many regions of our country with fear and poverty. Without a safe place to live and enough nutritious food to eat, an individual or family member becomes fearful and resentful. The spirit of Love and freedom are literally wiped away and replaced with fear and depression. This is happening to millions of our fellow Americans in many parts of the United States. For many souls in these desperate regions, hopelessness for the future is the painful day to day reality.

There seems to be a growing number of spirit-minded individuals that are slowly but surely reversing these trends. In fact, it is my belief that when enough people arrive at a higher level of thinking and being real progress will be made to change the desperate conditions that exist in many of these impoverished regions of our nation. The ultimate challenge, then, will be to influence government and the law-makers that direct it to act with increased support and resources to rebuild and replenish the spirit of these communities. Only by individual efforts, one person at a time, will the numbers of these forward-thinking people reach what I would call a “critical-mass” which could result in real change.

The journey to a state of mind known as “Oneness” has been traveled by millions of people throughout the world and throughout human history. It has been described by many names including, but not limited to ; “Transcendence” , “Nirvana”, “Enlightenment”, or “Satori”. It describes a state of mind or “no-mind” that regards all life and forms of the universe as “One” . Nothing being separate from anything else, all things connected and inter-related. Beyond that, each and every entity, be it living, like the creatures of the waters and earth, or minerals , or gases of the atmosphere, are all completely dependent on each other for their existence. Furthermore, it can be shown that every particle of matter or any wave of energy has a direct influence on all that is contained in the infinite universe. These are quite remarkable ideas, some would say they form the basis for life itself or perhaps the true nature of “Reality” or the “Ground of Being”.

It is my suggestion that we all possess the power to reach this high level of being which is fundamental to our unique human consciousness. Some would argue that the “journey” to this state of being is not a journey at all, but simply the realization that we are, in fact capable of becoming this “Oneness” by choosing to unmask the shield that hides the true essence of our being from us. This shield is caused by many factors in our life’s experience. They include our early guidance from parents, school teachers, and friends. And, most importantly from the culture that we were born into. The values and priorities that we learn as young children will most often be carried by us throughout our lives.

In America today, in 2022, the true nature of our being has been replaced by , what I would call, a culture of consumerism. Millions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of hours of human thought and energy has been used to create a world of products and services that are deemed absolutely necessary for our happiness and well-being. Kitchen appliances such as dish-washers and microwaves, home improvements such as swimming pools and hot-tubs, and landscape products such as large and expensive palm trees and fully grown decorative ornamental shade trees, are being marketed by companies with an insatiable desire for profits and growth with a complete dis-regard to the needs or benefits to our over-burdened environment. Valuable natural resources are being used to create products that are simply useless expensive accessories deemed essential in America’s wasteful culture of consumerism.

In order to return to the values that are helpful to our planet and the human communities that occupy it, we need to change our perspective and priorities of what is important to us. To be compassionate to our fellow human neighbors will have the added benefit of caring for the natural renewable resources that we are so dependent upon. The divine search for our spiritual center should be made a top priority by, not only the individual citizen of these great United States of America, but also by those political leaders that control the vast economic and natural resources that this country contains. By re-directing our national will to the goals of peace and prosperity to those less fortunate, impoverished individuals that make up an ever-increasing percentage of the population of our country, our nation and indeed the entire world community will benefit tremendously.


Sunday, January 12, 2025

American Mindset Transformation


 The following is an article that I posted in 2022 on my 

Gold 2 Sun website;


 American Mindset Transformation

The most critical challenge for America today is changing how people perceive their world. This is especially true for those Americans who are comfortable with their lives and lifestyles. What will motivate the typical upper middle class American who lives in a nice comfortable home located in a safe neighborhood? What possible reason would such an individual, or family member, choose to change his internal mindset when his whole life has been dedicated to the creation of this “American Dream” lifestyle?

Throughout our brief history, the United States of America has been transformed from a small colony of European immigrants to a world super-power. Along the way, these “upstart colonists” through the determination of our early founding fathers such as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin, were lead to actively rebel against the tyrannical laws and restrictions imposed upon them by their former rulers from the English royalty. The restrictive taxes and regulations that were ordered by the English ruling class served to ignite the revolutionary spirit of these early citizens of our country. This lead to the American Revolutionary War. This bloody confrontation between the American colonists and the British armed forces lasted for over eight years from the spring of 1775 to the fall of 1783 when Britain accepted American independence in the Treaty of Paris.

Today, in 2022, much has changed for America and it’s citizens. We have endured civil wars, world wars, economic depressions and recessions, abject poverty and civil unrest, and extreme public health crisis like our current Covid-19 pandemic. We have produced great inventors, statesmen, and religious leaders like Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. We have achieved huge strides in medicine, agriculture, and energy production. We have changed the living conditions for the better for many impoverished and under nourished children and families in some regions of the world. There are many things that America has contributed to the world and it’s people that are to be praised and applauded.

We are now in a world wide environmental crisis. The earth’s atmosphere is contaminated with a lethal concentration of “greenhouse” gasses which contribute to an increase in the world’s temperature to historical records each year. This has resulted in extremes of weather including persistent drought, monsoon-like rains, horrific events like hurricanes and tornadoes, and a basic shift in our climate to a much more unstable and unpredictable source of weather. These added greenhouse gasses include CO2, methane, and other chemical compounds that are the direct result of human activities. The burning of fossil fuels by automobiles, large trucks and machinery, commercial airlines, and energy production facilities, among others, has led to this destructive situation. Another major contributor to this global catastrophe is the consistent and continued destruction of the planet’s rain-forest . By eliminating the millions of trees in these fragile ecosystems, humans are reducing the natural process of oxygen production that is essential to our atmosphere’s health and ability to sustain human and animal life. One of the primary reasons for this destructive activity is for clearing land in the name of domestic animal production by providing more grazing land for human food production. And, the United States is one of the largest importers of beef and other animal food supplies that are produced in these devastated regions.

The world’s human population has been increasing at an alarming rate in these first two decades of the 21 st century. The result has been famine and poverty in some of the world’s most densely populated regions like India and Africa. And, these dire conditions have led to chaos and war for many of the human communities in these areas. And, these severe problems are not isolated to these “underdeveloped” regions of our planet. Here in the United States, in many of our large urban cities, poverty and hunger is a persistent threat to millions of our fellow Americans. In our modern system of “free” western democracy, the rights and privileges of these people are severely restricted due to the grossly unfair practices of our local , regional and federal governing bodies. It is a simple fact of life that the economic status of an individual or family is directly related to the quality of life and the ability of any individual to successfully pursue happiness and security that is expressly written into the constitution of the United States of America.

Most comfortable American citizens living in a nice house in a safe neighborhood with a good income are truly not motivated to inspire change that is currently drastically needed by the ever increasing population in America’s poor regions of our country. These people that have been stuck in the cycle of poverty and hopelessness will only result in more and more social dysfunction that results in family rupture, drug use and criminal activities. The inadequate solutions that have been proposed by our national leaders of creating more and tougher welfare laws and sending more disadvantaged people to our all ready overcrowded prisons is only making the situation worse. What is needed is a total transformation of our national will.

A national priority of social and economic justice is the only solution that can help our besieged and dying system of democracy. The priorities of government must change to accommodate the millions of starving and impoverished people in our decaying inner cities and many rural communities. In our current laws, a vast inequality exists in the allocation of tax dollars. Subsidies to large corporations to help their share holders and wealthy CEO’s far outweigh the amount of funding used to rebuild America’s inner cities and deteriorating infrastructure. In fact, in 2012, the federal government spent an estimated $100B on helping large corporations . In contrast , in 2021, the federal government spent $46.5B for community and regional development.

In order for these national priorities to change the will of the individual citizen must change first. In fact, a major reason for the dysfunction and improper use of federal tax dollars is the apathy of the American people. The people that could do most to help the impoverished regions of our country are those very people that are benefiting from the inequality in our social systems. A total transformation is needed in America today to begin the process of rebirth of this great nation in which we live. To restore the values and obligations of the citizenry of the United States of America to the original purpose and intent that our great leaders mandated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, we need a total and complete transformation of the mindset of America. We need to bring back the spiritual and revolutionary zeal that broke us free from the chains of restrictions and regulations that existed from the tyrannical power of the elite royalty of British aristocracy. Those rules and regulations have now been given to the oligarchy of the monster corporate regimes that now control our government and the puppets that lead it. It is not too late for the citizens of these United States of America to bring back the values and honor that rightly belongs to the people and for the people.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Love the Earth



 The following is an article that I posted in 2022 on my 

Gold 2 Sun website;

I have explored the high mountain ranges of the Sierra Nevada for over six decades. In all of that time, I always find something that inspires me whenever I am hiking in that wondrous paradise. In fact, it is one of the most important things I do to remain somewhat sane in this truly insane world that we all find ourselves in these days. From the powerful granite ridges to the crystal clear streams that drain from the snow melts in springtime, there are an infinite variety of sights, sounds and fragrances that stimulate and inspire me.

I consider myself a naturalist. I define this term as a knowledgeable lover of nature and all that exists in the natural world. Now, many people see our natural environment as something quite terrifying and to be walled out from the world in which they live. They build elaborate and comfortable houses to protect themselves from the harshness of the elements. In fact, in these “modern times” in America, it is considered a fundamental basic requirement of successful living to occupy a spacious and luxurious home with all of the modern conveniences that go with it. To have a large estate with a 3000 square foot home on 10 acres of land in a posh wealthy neighborhood on a hillside overlooking the lights of a nearby city is the dream of many Americans. Well folks, I am here to tell you that this elaborate and wasteful way to live and to aspire to live is not only wrong, but actually one of the main reasons that our culture and actually the Earth that we occupy is in such dire straits. With millions of our fellow Americans living in poverty with fear and hopelessness as their daily reality, we must all consider a more efficient lifestyle that treats our planet with the respect and reverence that it truly deserves. Instead of robbing the dwindling natural resources that are required to build and maintain these monuments of human wastefulness, we should set as a national priority to honor and Love our Mother Earth and all of her components, including our fellow less fortunate American and world brothers and sisters. To downsize our thoughts and actions to live in smaller more “eco-friendly” dwellings is to become more respectful and responsible to the true home that we all occupy, Mother Earth.

I am beginning to sense this new attitude of higher consciousness in many young people throughout this new world of the 21 st century. It appears to be, more and more of our members of the younger generation in America are electing to rethink their priorities that their parents had. To put more emphasis on life’s experiences and events and less on how and where we live is, I think, a growing trend in our culture. Many people are now coming to the realization that their lives and the health and future of our planet Earth are much too precious to live in the old ways of the past.

The new mindset that is tremendously important in today’s world requires a complete transformation in the way we perceive reality. To come to the realization that we are truly part of and not separate from our natural environment is a monumental shift in human thought. In the same way that the health of our personal body is essential to a happy and healthy life, we must realize that the condition and health of our planet is not only important, but absolutely necessary to the continuation and, indeed, the very survival of our human species in the future.

I encourage you to begin or continue your search for true Love. This Love is not the love that is impermanent , filled with jealousy and attachment to some thing or some one. It is not the romantic love that old classic movies written by tired old classic writers portray. It is , indeed, a permanent Love. A permanence that stands for eternity and a Love that is truly God-like in nature. It is a Love that can only be truly experienced from within. A Love that can be shared through kindness, admiration and respect for all living and non-living things. This is a Love that is drastically needed in this current world where greed, violence, and misery are too often found in the hearts and minds of humanity and the destructive cultures that surrounds them. Without this permanent and infinitely powerful force of Love, I am afraid there will come to an end this thing that we call Life on planet Earth.


Silver investing in 2025

  In the world of Silver investing there are many options to choose. You can
buy Silver bars, Silver bullion , Silver coins, and a variety of other
types of Silver. In order to decide on what is the best Silver type to buy,
one of the first question that you need to ask is; What is my long term goals?

If you would like to simply buy and hold, then you might consider buying
Silver coins. If you buy on a regular schedule, then over time you will see
your investment grow. And ,depending on market value changes, you
will also see your initial purchases grow in value. This method is called

In my opinion, in the United States, 2025 will see a drastic change in the
price of Silver. I attribute this prediction partly from the
inflationary cycle that we all find ourselves in currently. There seems
to be know end in site to this trend and it appears very obvious
that our government and the central banks have really no clue as
to what is to be done.

One of the best ways to buy silver coins is from a reliable on-line coin
dealer. So, then the next question becomes, who can I trust to deal with? My
trusted coin dealers are in my local area here in Sonoma County,
California. I found them over 30 years ago and have had many purchases
in that time with no issues or problems. They charge a very
reasonable price for their coins and have always had a wide variety of

                                                 Silver Maple Leaf          Silver American Eagle

Soon I will be opening an online e-commerce store called Silver 2 Moon.
I will be buying all of my coins from my local trusted coin dealer and
add a small markup to the price I pay to cover my expenses. As my store
evolves , I will be posting comments and reviews from my customers
about their experience with my business.

If you have any questions or comments about Silver investing,
please contact me and I will be happy to answer your questions.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year 2025

 Happy New Years everyone.

 In this first week of 2025, I thought I would share a little cosmic wisdom .
12 days ago, on December 21st, a celestial event called the
Winter Solstice occurred.  Every year on this day, just before Christmas, Astrologers around the world look to the stars and celebrate the beginning of Capricorn.

 Astronomically Capricorn is a constellation positioned in the southern sky at about 21 hours right ascension and 20° south declination.
 Its brightest star is Deneb Algedi which has an apparent magnitude( m ) 2.9. This is the area of our galaxy that gives rise to the 10th sign of the zodiac.

 In one of my favorite books on Astrology,
Making the Gods Work for You, Carolyn Casey states that Capricorn is closely related to the planet Saturn. In her opening chapter on Saturn she quotes William Blake, “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man’s.
I will not reason and compare. My business is to create“
 Blakes words advises that to have a joyful and fulfilling life we must not be enslaved by the authority of “another man“.

 In my life ,I have pursued what I call my ” Dream Lifestyle “
I have always felt that the happiest people on the planet are those that can
 get up each morning and be truly inspired to go to work,
or even better, stay at home and work.
Writers, artists, free-lance entrepreneurs, or any one of
 hundreds of occupations that can be done from home 
and lead to fulfilling and abundant lifestyles have always
 been very attractive to me.

Many people are afraid to pursue their own version of my  “Dream Lifestyle”.
  They believe that they could never make enough money with it to support   themselves. Well folks, I am here to tell you that with courage and determination, we can break free from our fears, and create a life that we have always dreamed of . A life filled with abundance and happiness.
What draws me to study ancient works of knowledge like Astrology is my fundamental belief in the power of human consciousness. I also believe that  within all of us is the divine knowledge to accomplish any goal that we can imagine.

 2025 will be a year of great challenges and opportunities for everyone on planet Earth. This will be a promising and joyful time for all of us who break free from our fears and embrace our lives with a feeling of power and determination .

Besides the study of astrology, I have read many works from authors, who I would highly recommend to anyone searching for more fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

Here is a link to one of my websites that will give you some of those  authors that I am attracted to and some of my favorite books by them.

Ice Clear Spirit

I hope that you all have a wonderful and joyful year ahead in 2025.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Sonoma County Tiny Houses



 I have been working as a tradesman in Sonoma County for almost 50 years.

In all that time I have made thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars.
 I have bought food, clothing, cars, building materials and books. I have traveled to Hawaii, Canada and Mexico. I’ve stayed in fancy hotels in New York City. I have taken my girlfriend on many vacations to Santa Barbara ,The Grand Canyon, Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas.

 I’ve spent the majority of my life seeking adventure, pleasure, and excitement.
I have touched the heart of many young ladies when I was a Carefree young lad.

 I am now in my golden years with very little gold to show for those long lost fun years of my past. Five years ago I began a new chapter in my life as a tradesman
designing and creating  my first tiny house. Six months later I found my first Tiny house Customer and proceeded to finish that first project on their gorgeous
property near the Pacific Ocean in the coastal mountain range of Sonoma county, California. I am now finishing my third Tiny house. It has been for sale now for over six months and as yet no new customer is in sight .
Although I am still very much active as a tiny house builder, designer and sales person, I believe it is now time to shift my tiny house focus to  become more of a consultant and less of a hands-on tradesman.

 As a consultant , I would like to work with anyone that is going to buy, build or locate their own Tiny house. My  Sonoma County Tiny Houses group on
NextDoor  is becoming a popular information portal for anything relating to
Tiny Houses. I’ve been working on  a website that will become more accessible to all of those seeking to expand their knowledge of the Tiny House culture.

Sonoma County Tiny Houses

Friday, January 7, 2022

The Dream Lifestyle



 It has always been one of my life time dreams to discover a
 truly enjoyable way to generate income.

 I have always felt 
that the happiest people on the planet are those that can
 get up each morning and be truly inspired to go to work,
or even better, stay at home and work.
Writers, artists, free-lance entrepreneurs, or any one of
 hundreds of occupations that can be done from home 
and lead to fulfilling and abundant lifestyles have always
 been very attractive to me.

Lately I have been thinking very strongly about becoming
 my dreams of creative self-sufficiency. To finally rise
 above the thoughts of making money and having enough 
of it to be comfortable is truly what living a joyful life is all about.

One of the realizations that I have discovered is that I
 have made myself way too isolated to create this abundant 
lifestyle that I crave. I must spend more energy to network
 with like-minded people that share my passion of becoming
 more financially self-sufficient.
With these thoughts in mind, I am sharing this post with 
the goal of finding and communicating with people 
who are looking to expand their financial horizons

I invite you to visit two of my websites that I have created over the years.

Ice Clear Spirit

This site is an information portal that contains links to Alternative Energy and Human Consciousness related sites. Their is also a link to one of my Facebook pages and a Image Gallery that I have added to over the years called;

Lake Tahoe Zephyr

Any questions or comments about this post will be greatly 
appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you and hope
 that we might find mutually beneficial ideas to share with 
one another.